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1887 - 89 Obverses

SX 1887 Jubilee head

Sixpence (Obv. 1)

Shown for reference

SX 1887 B

J.E.B. on the truncation



SX 1887 to 1889 Jubilee head

Sixpence (Obv. 2)

SX 1887 to 1889

J.E.B. below the truncation

"Hollow" bust - above J. E. B.


SX 1889 to 1893 Jubilee head

Sixpence (Obv. 3)

SX 1889 to 1893

J.E.B. below the truncation

"Rounded" bust - above J. E. B.

Obverse 1 - Has been shown for reference purposes as  J. E. B. (Joseph Edward Boehm -

                      the Austrian born British designer) has his initials placed on the base of Victoria's

                      new Jubilee head bust. This apparently was decided very early on after the release

                      in 1887 as being the incorrect place for his initials and were quickly removed.

                      Examples with his initials on the bust are very scarce as examples are not that easy

                      to come by.

Obverse 2 - With the disapproval of the J. E. B. initials being on the base of Victoria's bust a

                      2nd obverse was quickly made using the same bust design but the over zealous

                      Royal Mint engraver dug far to deeply into the base of the bust to remove the

                      initials thereby leaving a distinct "hollow" where the original J. E. B. initials had

                      been. The J. E. B. initials were now placed in the clear space directly below the

                      base of the bust where they had originally been and the border teeth.

                      This 2nd Jubilee obverse remained in use for two years (1887 to 1889) until it

                      was decided that the "hollow" at the base of Victoria's bust was unsightly and

                      that she needed to have he bust restored with an elegant rounded edge.

Obverse 3 - In 1889 this third Jubilee obverse bust was designed. I have been unable to

                      find any changes in the legend or spacing with the border teeth nor with the

                      size or shape of Victoria's bust. However, now the "hollow" at the base of

                      Victoria's bust has now been 'in-filled' and carefully rounded out.

                      Thereby putting right the two possible mis-judgements found with obverses 1 & 2 !


I am pleased to say that the difference between obverse 2 and 3 was brought to my

attention by a collector in early June 2022 (just before the 'Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

of Elizabeth II '- good timing !). The collector, however, did point out that it was not his

discovery but that he had seen the article written by another collector in the Pre-Decimal

forum of 12 March 2021.   http://www.predecimal.com/forum/topic/13911-jubilee-head-sixpence-die-pairings/?tab=comments#comment-197350 

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