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1731 Maundy 2d. DEI · GRATIA ·  over DEI · GRA ·

There is part of a D showing between the D E of DEI

There is part of an E showing on under the I of DEI (only a bit of the upright bar)

There is part of an I showing just to the front edge of the G of GRATIA

There is a colon dot . showing between the G & R of GRATIA

There is part of a G showing between the R & A of GRATIA

There is part of an R showing through and to the right of the T of GRATIA

There is part of an A showing between the I & A of GRATIA

There is a colon dot . showing just after the A of GRATIA

The black marks have been added that are the parts of the 'old' legend left showing.

The blue marks are the parts of the 'old' legend that are no longer showing

* These 'part under letters' are clearest in 1732. Less clear in 1735. And in 1737

   unless you knew that the overstuck legend was there it would be hard to see

   what was left. It is more than probably that this "modified" obverse die was the

   only one used for these 3 dates. I have not found one obverse die for any of the

   3 dates (1732 to 1737) that was 'clean' and without the over-striking !

This is the part of the legend used for George I " DEI · GRA · "

that was used in error for George II !



1729 to 1737 (overstruck legend)             1739 wider D E I legend  (NOT overstruck)

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