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Ref Type Series Date Denomination



Price (£)

J.B. Page - 1st issue - 1st type  (l~~l)

Banknote production was switched

from Fforde to Page when he became

chief cashier 1st March 1970.

However, there were not enough

signature block available so Fforde

signature blocks were used concurrently

with the Page signature blocks for over a


For the £1 notes, so far, 62 signature

sequence pairs prefixes have been logged.

The first signature pairings

recorded are Ref: (B. 305) with (B. 320)

S87L & S89L & S90L

B320 S~~L Start 1971 1 Pound - S~~L Out of



Overlaps with Fforde - shown in RED

"l~~l" 1st issue runs from -

T~~B; T~~D; T~~E; T~~H; T~~K; T~~L

U~~A; U~~B; U~~C; U~~D & U~~H

W~~A; W~~B; W~~C W~~D


B320 T~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - T35D & T79D UNC 8.00
B320 T~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - T50K 157711 - 13    

Run of 3 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

AUNC 6.50
B320 T~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - T45H AUNC 6.00
B320 T~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - T75D 733306 - 08    

Run of 3 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

EF+ 4.50
B320 T~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - T77E; T59L; T70L EF+ 4.50
B320 U~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - U32B 493678 - 82    

Run of 5 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.00
B320 U~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - U32B AUNC 6.00
B320 U~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - U47B & U61B EF+ 4.50
B320 W~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - W10B 741475 - 90    

Run of 17 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.00
B320 W~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - W71C 642757 - 58    

Sold as pair or + (each)

UNC 8.00
B320 W~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - W21E 212482 - 87    

Run of 6 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.00
B320 W~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - W22D UNC 8.00
B320 W~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - W21E 212493 - 99    

Run of 7 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

AUNC 6.00
B320 W~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - W71C; W94C EF+ 4.50

Known signature pairing

 of Fforde & Page

recorded of Ref: (B. 305) with (B. 320)

are W55B

B320 W55B Mid 1971 1 Pound - W55B 072059 AUNC 7.00

Page signature - only


The above issues and the "W~~H"

ran to a "99" Prefix.

Sheet size 3 x 8 (24) x 4

End of the "99" issue with W99H

B320 W14H Mid 1971 1 Pound - W14H 382~~~    

Run of 18 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.00
B320 W14H Mid 1971 1 Pound - W14H 382~~~ UNC 8.00
B320 W~~H Mid 1971 1 Pound - W~~H EF+ 4.00

The below issue ran to a maximum

"84" Prefix.

Sheet size 3 x 7 (21) x 4

Overlaps with Fforde - shown in RED

"l~~l" 1st issue - Type 2  runs from -

X~~A; X~~B; X~~C; X~~D; X~~E: X~~H;

X~~J; X~~K; X~~L.

Y~~A; Y~~B; Y~~C; Y~~D; Y~~E; Y~~H;

Y~~J; Y~~K; Y~~L

Z~~A; Z~~B; Z~~C; Z~~D; Z~~E; Z~~H;

Z~~J; Z~~K; Z~~L to Z84L


Known signature pairing

 of Fforde & Page

recorded of Ref: (B. 305) with (B. 320)

are X13B & X39B

X22C & several number up to X41C

B320 X~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - X62B 923873 - 74    

Sold as pair or + (each)

UNC 8.00
B320 X~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - X69D 013394 - 95    

Sold as pair or + (each)

UNC 8.00
B320 X01B "01" 1971 1 Pound - X01B 3776890 AUNC 15.00
B320 X~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - X69L 147801 - 05    

Run of 5 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

AUNC 6.00
B320 X~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - X~~C; X~~D; X~~J    
- X~~L AUNC 6.00
B320 X01B "01" 1971 1 Pound - X01B 3776880 EF+ 12.00
B320 X~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - X31K 066310 - 20    

Sold as pair or + (each)

EF+ 4.00
B320 X~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - X~~C; X~~D; X~~E    
- X~~J; X~~K EF+ 4.00
B320 X84B "84" 1971 1 Pound - X84B 012633  'Last' EF+ 25.00
B320 Y42J Mid 1971 1 Pound - Y42J 895511 - 30    
Run of 20 - With Midland Bank £20 band UNC 165.00
B320 Y~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - Y25L 648107 - 19    

Run of 13 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.00
B320 Y~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - Y25L 648147 - 52    

Run of 6 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.00
B320 Y~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - Y25L 648103 - 05    

Run of 3 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.00
B320 Y~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - Y68B 973287 - 89    

Run of 3 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.00
B320 Y~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - Y65E 029876 - 78    

Run of 3 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.00
B320 X~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - X~~B; X~~D; X~~J UNC 8.00
B320 Y~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - Y68B 973247 - 49    

Run of 3 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

AUNC 6.00
B320 Y~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - Y25L 648100 - 02    

Run of 3 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

AUNC 6.00
B320 Y~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - Y68B 973247 - 49    

Sold as pair or + (each)

AUNC 6.00
B320 Y~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - Y36H 508158 - 59    

Sold as pair or + (each)

AUNC 6.00
B320 Y~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - Y11K 981130 - 31    

Sold as pair or + (each)

AUNC 6.00
B320 Y~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - Y25L 648156 - 57    

Sold as pair or + (each)

AUNC 6.00
B320 Y~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - Y~~A; Y~~B; Y~~H    
- Y~~K; Y~~L AUNC 6.00
B320 Y01D


1971 1 Pound - Y01D 627362 EF+ 12.00
B320 Y~~l Mid 1971 1 Pound - Y~~A; Y~~B; Y~~D    
          - Y~~E; Y~~K EF+ 4.00
B320 Z~~l Last 1971 1 Pound - Z60B 790352 - 55    

Run of 4 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.00
B320 Z~~l Last 1971 1 Pound - Z69D 862230 - 31    

Sold as pair or + (each)

UNC 8.00
B320 Z~~l Last 1971 1 Pound - Z11H 524711 - 12    

Sold as pair or + (each)

UNC 8.00
B320 Z~~l Last 1971 1 Pound - Z12H 527295 - 96    

Sold as pair or + (each)

UNC 8.00
B320 Z~~l Last 1971 1 Pound - Z62K 351215 - 19    

Run of 5 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.00
B320 Z~~l Last 1971 1 Pound - Z27K 746903 - 06    

Run of 4 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.00
B320 Z~~l Last 1971 1 Pound - Z05 K 683843 - 45    

Run of 3 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.00
B320 Z~~l Last 1971 1 Pound - Y~~B; Y~~E; Y~~K UNC 8.00
B320 Z11H Mid 1971 1 Pound - Z11H 714761 - 80    
Run of 20 - With Midland Bank £20 band AUNC 125.00
B320 Z~~l Last 1971 1 Pound - Z49J 482740 - 41    

Sold as pair or + (each)

AUNC 6.00
B320 Z~~l Last 1971 1 Pound - Y~~B; Y~~D; Y~~E    
          - Y~~H; Y~~K AUNC 6.00
B320 Z~~L Last 1971 1 Pound - Z28L 241591 -    
- Z~~L is last prefix AUNC 10.00
B320 Z~~l Last 1971 1 Pound - Y~~B; Y~~C; Y~~D    
          - Y~~H; Y~~J; Z~~K EF+ 4.00

J.B. Page - 1st issue - 1st type  (l~~l)

Replacement banknotes


Banknote production was switched

from Fforde to Page when he became

chief cashier 1st March 1970.

However, there were not enough

signature block available so Fforde

signature blocks were used concurrently

with the Page signature blocks for over a


For the £1 Replacement notes

The first signature pairings

recorded are Ref: (B. 305) with (B. 320)

R44M & R51 / 52 & 53M

The above issues

ran to a "99" Prefix.

Sheet size 3 x 8 (24) x 4

R44M to R99M

End of the "99" issue with R99M

S32M to S98M

Signature pairings

recorded are Ref: (B. 305) with (B. 320)

S32M with several numbers up to S78M


"l~~l" 1st issue runs from -

R44M to R99M

S32M to S98M


B321 R69M Repl. 1971 1 Pound - R69M 317908 UNC 55.00
B321 R~~M Repl. 1971 1 Pound - R66M; R68M; R70M EF+ 30.00
B321 R~~M Repl. 1971 1 Pound - R55M 455832    
Small 4 mm tear - centre line bottom    
Not noticeable from the front    
Only just noticeable fro the reverse EF+ 20.00
B321 R~~M Repl. 1971 1 Pound - R50M; R62M EF? 15.00

B321 S67M Repl. 1971 1 Pound - S67M 294751 -52    

Sold as pair

UNC 65.00
B321 S~~M Repl. 1971 1 Pound - S76M; S89M; S92M UNC 30.00

B321 S83M Repl. 1971 1 Pound - S83M 322423    

Cut slightly higher than normal

UNC 40.00
B321 S~~M Repl. 1971 1 Pound - S71M AUNC 22.50
B321 S~~M Repl. 1971 1 Pound - S34M 769487    

Close to start  of S32M

EF+ 35.00
B321 S~~M Repl. 1971 1 Pound - S65M EF+ 15.00
B321 S~~M Repl. 1971 1 Pound - S91M VF+/F 5.00

B321 S97M Repl. 1971 1 Pound - S97M 007820    

As the last prefix S98M is very rare in


any grade this next to last prefix S97M


is offered in UNC grade - I am open to


OFFERS as it is a difficult item to price


Known signature pairing

 of Fforde & Page

recorded of Ref: (B. 306) with (B. 321)

are W55B

B321 S35M Mid 1971 1 Pound - S35M 924251 UNC 45.00

The below issue ran to a maximum of

 "84" Prefix.

Sheet size 3 x 7 (21) x 4


W01M to W84M &

X01M to X84M


B321 W01M Mid 1971 1 Pound - W01M 141911 AUNC 245.00

B321 W02M Mid 1971 1 Pound - W02M 673415    

As the first prefix W01M is rare in


top grade this next prefix W02M


is offered in UNC grade - I am open to


OFFERS as it is a difficult item to price

B321 W15M Mid 1971 1 Pound - W15M 835993 - 94    

Sold as pair

UNC 60.00
B321 W39M Mid 1971 1 Pound - W39M 038784 - 86    

Run of 3 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 30.00
B321 W~~M Mid 1971 1 Pound - W08M - W51M UNC 27.50
B321 W~~M Mid 1971 1 Pound - W07M & W45M AUNC 22.50

B321 W01M Mid 1971 1 Pound - W01M 664292 EF+ 195.00

B321 W02M Mid 1971 1 Pound - W02M 867403    

As the first prefix W01M is rare in


top grade this next prefix W02M


is offered in UNC grade - I am open to


OFFERS as it is a difficult item to price

B321 W~~M Mid 1971 1 Pound - W23M EF+ 17.50

B321 W36M Mid 1971 1 Pound - W36M 713678    

A couple of RUST marks on the front


left side - just to the left of B of BANK


and on the numeral '6'. Rust mark also


leaked onto the reverse. NO pin holes

EF+ 7.50

B321 X02M Mid 1971 1 Pound - X02M 341047    

As the first prefix X01M is rare in


top grade this next prefix X02M


is offered in UNC grade - I am open to


OFFERS as it is a difficult item to price

B321 X~~M Mid 1971 1 Pound - X12M & X16M UNC 25.00
B321 X~~M Mid 1971 1 Pound - X11M & X19M AUNC 20.00
B321 X~~M Mid 1971 1 Pound - X04M - 2 Pin holes AUNC 16.00
B321 X~~M Mid 1971 1 Pound - X17M EF+ 16.50

J.B. Page - 2nd issue  (ll~~) - 1st Type

"ll~~" 2nd issue - 1st Type runs from -

AN01 to AN96

Using old sheet size

Sheet size 3 x 8 (24) x 4

End with AN96


B322 AN01 First 1974 1 Pound - AN01 497232 UNC 385.00

B322 AN70 Start 1974 1 Pound - AN70 147892 - 900    

Cut high - number virtually touching edge


Run of 10  sold as single, pair or + (each) 

UNC 19.50
B322 AN79 Start 1974 1 Pound - AN79 111615 - 16    

Sold as pair or single (each)

UNC 16.50
B322 AN~~ Start 1974 1 Pound - AN05; AN08 & AN26 UNC 16.00
B322 AN60 Start 1974 1 Pound - AN60 352589 - 90    

Sold as pair or single (each)

EF+ 8.50
B322 AN~~ Start 1974 1 Pound - AN15 EF+ 8.50

J.B. Page - 2nd issue  (ll~~) - 2nd Type

"ll~~" 2nd issue - 2nd Type runs from -

AR01 to HZ63

Using new sheet size

Sheet size 3 x 7 (21) x 4

End with HZ63

"ll~~" 2nd issue - 2nd Type runs from -

AR01 to AR84 (?)

The AR~~ prefix appears to be very scare

as very few example are listed on

dealers websites or lists.

AS~~; AT~~; AU~~; AW~~; AX~~;

AY & AZ prefixes have not been found

and presumed - NOT issued

B322 AR~~ Mid 1974 1 Pound - AR13 187910 AUNC 25.00

"Bl~~" 2nd issue - 2nd Type runs from -

BN~~; BR~~; BS~~; BT~~; BU~~;

BW~~; BX~~; BY~~; BZ~~

B322 BN01 Mid 1974 1 Pound - BN01 766410 UNC 15.00
B322 BU01 Mid 1974 1 Pound - BU01 679310 UNC 15.00
B322 BU01 Mid 1974 1 Pound - BU01 328957 EF+ 10.00
B322 BW01 Mid 1974 1 Pound - BW01 581437 UNC 15.00
B322 BY01 Mid 1974 1 Pound - BY01 838982 UNC 15.00
B322 BN78 Mid 1974 1 Pound - BN78 447631 - 41    

Run of 11 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 BR24 Mid 1974 1 Pound - BR24 240010 - 14    

Run of 5 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 BS10 Mid 1974 1 Pound - BS10 710104 - 05    

Sold as pair or single (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 BT40 Mid 1974 1 Pound - BT40 430317 -18    

Sold as pair or single (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 BW61 Mid 1974 1 Pound - BW61 215970 - 72    

Run of 3 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 BZ56 Mid 1974 1 Pound - BZ5 534315 - 17    

Run of 3 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 Bl~~ Mid 1974 1 Pound - BN~~ to BZ~~ UNC 6.00
B322 Bl~~ Mid 1974 1 Pound - BN~~ to BZ~~ AUNC 4.50
B322 Bl~~ Mid 1974 1 Pound - BN~~ to BZ~~ EF+ 3.00

"Cl~~" 2nd issue - 2nd Type runs from -

CN~~; CR~~; CS~~; CT~~; CU~~;

CW~~; CX~~; CY~~; CZ~~

B322 CR35 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CR35 476861 - 80    

Run of 20 - With Midland bank band

UNC 125.00
B322 CR54 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CR54 586751 - 60    

Run of 10 - With Nat. West  Bank Group band

UNC 65.00
B322 CR54 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CR54 586761 - 89    

Run of 29 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 CS42 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CS42 290352 - 60    

Run of 9 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 CT84 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CT84 195727 - 28    

(Last of CT series) Pair or + (each)

UNC 20.00
B322 CW04 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CW04 453498 - 99    

Pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 CW28 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CW28 819242 -43    

Pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 CW66 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CW66 715413 - 17    

Run of 5 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 CW66 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CW66 715419 - 20    

Pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 CW66 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CW66 715424 - 26    

Run of 3 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 CW66 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CW66 715428 - 30    

Run of 3 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 CW66 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CW66 715433 - 42    

Run of 10 - With Midland bank band

UNC 65.00
B322 CW66 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CW66 715444 - 50    

Run of 7 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 CX11 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CX11 934145 - 57    

Run of 13 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 CX11 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CX11 934159 - 60    

Pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 CX11 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CX11 934162 - 74    

Run of 13 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 CX11 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CX11 934176 - 86    

Run of 11 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 CY54 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CY54 780035 - 40    

Run of 6 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 CZ07 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CZ07 748317 - 20    

Run of 4 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 CZ16 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CZ16 763958 - 59    

Pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 Cl~~ Mid 1974 1 Pound - CW~~; CX~~; CZ~~ UNC 6.00
B322 CT64 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CT64 471337 - 38    

Pair or + (each)

AUNC 4.50
B322 CY12 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CY12 293212 - 13    

Pair or + (each)

AUNC 4.50
B322 Cl~~ Mid 1974 1 Pound - CN~~ to CZ~~ AUNC 4.50
B322 CY01 Mid 1974 1 Pound - CY01 990629 EF+ 10.00
B322 Cl~~ Mid 1974 1 Pound - CN~~ to CZ~~ EF+ 3.00

B322 CX07 Mid 1971 1 Pound - CX07 417511    

Cut slightly higher than normal

EF+ 5.00

B322 CX53 Mid 1971 1 Pound - CX53/54 217121 - 23    

A very unusual run of 3.

Two notes prefixed  with CX53 and

the middle note prefixed CX54 -

both numbers top and bottom !

I have no idea how to price this trio so I am open to 'serious' offers


"Dl~~" 2nd issue - 2nd Type runs from -

DN~~; DR~~; DS~~; DT~~; DU~~;

DW~~; DX~~; DY~~; NO - DZ~~

B322 DR14 Mid 1974 1 Pound - DR14 851682 - 90    

Run of 9 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 DR14 Mid 1974 1 Pound - DR14 851693 - 98    

Run of 6 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 DR47 Mid 1974 1 Pound - DR47 144846 - 47    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 DR57 Mid 1974 1 Pound - DR57 093702 - 04    

Run of 6 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 DT40 Mid 1974 1 Pound - DR40 355502 - 09    

Run of 8 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 DT40 Mid 1974 1 Pound - DR40 8750~~    

Run of 10 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 DU52 Mid 1974 1 Pound - DY52 499196 - 200    

Run of 5 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 DW58 Mid 1974 1 Pound - DW58 369150 - 51    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 Dl~~ Mid 1974 1 Pound - DR~~; DW~~; DX~~    
          - DY~~ UNC 6.00
B322 DR54 Mid 1974 1 Pound - DR54 111090 - 91    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

AUNC 4.50
B322 Dl~~ Mid 1974 1 Pound - DR~~; DT~~ AUNC 4.50
B322 Dl~~ Mid 1974 1 Pound - DR~~; DT~~ EF+ 3.00

"El~~" 2nd issue - 2nd Type runs from -

EN~~; ER~~; ES~~; ET~~; EU~~;

EW~~; EX~~; EY~~; EZ~~

B322 EN58 Mid 1974 1 Pound - EN58 367712 - 13    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 ER78 Mid 1974 1 Pound - ER78 586907 - 08    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 ES13 Mid 1974 1 Pound - ES13 362998 -99    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 ES30 Mid 1974 1 Pound - ES30 8425~~    

Run of 6 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 ES52 Mid 1974 1 Pound - ES52 330874 - 75    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 ES56 Mid 1974 1 Pound - ES56 252402 - 05    

Run of 4 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 ET43 Mid 1974 1 Pound - ET43 787281 - 300    

Run of 20 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 ET50 Mid 1974 1 Pound - ET50 042760 -61    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 ET74 Mid 1974 1 Pound - ET74 884991 - 99    

Run of 9 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

No. ET74 884999 cannot be sold at present

as it is matched with the deckled edge note

EY74 885000 as shown below

UNC 6.00
B322 ET74 Mid 1974 1 Pound - ET74 885000    

The above banknote is the end or the 10th

banknote from the above run of 9.

Why it has not been included with the other

9 notes is that the left and right sides of the

note are deckled where as ALL other notes

are always - straight cut !

This is the first time I have ever come across

this on a 1 Pound banknote but well known on

White banknotes up to 1945.

Has this been found before !? Does anyone have an explanation as to why !!

B322 EU28 Mid 1974 1 Pound - EU29 482352 - 53    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 EU38 Mid 1974 1 Pound - EU38 404096 - 100    

Run of 5 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 EU39 Mid 1974 1 Pound - EU39 424224 - 27    

Run of 4 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 EW32 Mid 1974 1 Pound - EW32 2107~~    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 EW51 Mid 1974 1 Pound - EW51 976774 - 78    

Run of 5 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 6.00
B322 El~~ Mid 1974 1 Pound - EN20; EN36; ES27 UNC 6.00
B322 El~~ Mid 1974 1 Pound - ER~~; ES~~; EW~~    
          - EY~~ AUNC 4.50
B322 El~~ Mid 1974 1 Pound - EN~~; ET~~; EW~~    
          - EY~~ EF+ 3.00

"Hl~~" 2nd issue - 2nd Type runs from -

HN~~; HR~~; HS~~; HT~~; HU~~;

HW~~; HX~~; HY~~; HZ01 to HZ63

End of LARGE issue

B322 HN01 Last 1974 1 Pound - HN01 084633 UNC 20.00
B322 HT01 Last 1974 1 Pound - HT01 276499 UNC 20.00
B322 HN01 Last 1974 1 Pound - HZ01 084633 (END) UNC 25.00
B322 HR61 Last 1974 1 Pound - HR61 364168 - 69    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.50
B322 HR63 Last 1974 1 Pound - HR63 686805 - 07    

Run of 5 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.50
B322 HS28 Last 1974 1 Pound - HS28 773069 - 70    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.50
B322 HS36 Last 1974 1 Pound - HS36 468035 - 36    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.50
B322 HT74 Last 1974 1 Pound - HT74 990310 - 19    

Run of 10 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.50
B322 HU17 Last 1974 1 Pound - HU17 962015 - 21    

Run of 7 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.50
B322 HU42 Last 1974 1 Pound - HU42 060443 - 44    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.50
B322 HW44 Last 1974 1 Pound - HW44 400427 - 28    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.50
B322 HW44 Last 1974 1 Pound - HW44 852217 -19    

Run of 3 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.50
B322 HU47 Last 1974 1 Pound - HU47 578976 - 77    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.50
B322 HW78 Last 1974 1 Pound - HW78 336871 - 72    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.50
B322 HY11 Last 1974 1 Pound - HY11 698345 54    

Run of 10 - With Barclays bank band

UNC 90.00
B322 HY31 Last 1974 1 Pound - HY31 033373 - 74    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 8.50
B322 HZ15 Last 1974 1 Pound - HZ15 2124~~ (END)    

Run of 10 - With Barclays bank band

UNC 125.00
B322 HZ32 Last 1974 1 Pound - HZ32 312492  (END)    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 12.00
B322 HZ32 Last 1974 1 Pound - HZ32 952357  (END)    

Run of 3 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 12.00
B322 Hl~~ Last 1974 1 Pound - HR~~; HT~~; HU~~    
          - HW~~; HX~~ UNC 8.50
B322 HZ~~ Last 1974 1 Pound - HZ28 - HZ35  (END) UNC 11.50
B322 Hl~~ Last 1974 1 Pound - HR~~; HS~~; HT~~    
          - HU~~; HW~~; HX~~ AUNC 6.50
B322 HW83 Last 1974 1 Pound - HW83 075863    

Next to last prefix

AUNC 20.00
B322 HW84 Last 1974 1 Pound - HW84 075601    

LAST prefix

AUNC 45.00
B322 HZ~~ Last 1974 1 Pound - HZ07 & HZ32  (END) AUNC 9.50
B322 Hl~~ Last 1974 1 Pound - HR~~; HS~~; HT~~    
          - HU~~; HW~~; HX~~ AUNC 6.50
B322 HZ~~ Last 1974 1 Pound - HZ09 & HZ41  (END) EF+ 7.50

J.B. Page - 2nd issue - 1st type  (Ml~~)

Replacement banknotes


1st run from -

MR01 to MR48

2nd run from

MS01 to MS84

3rd run from

MT01 to MT23

4th run from

MU01 to MU19

5th run from

MW01 to MW19



1st run from -

MR01 to MR48

B323 MR42 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MR14 73561 UNC 48.00
B323 MR~~ Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MR16; MR25; MR28 AUNC 40.00
B323 MR33 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MR33 087055 EF+ 32.50


2nd run from -

MS01 to MS84

B323 MS01 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MS01 489108 UNC 165.00
B323 MS02 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MS02 025232 UNC 50.00
B323 MS44 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MS44 657751 - 60    

Run of 10 - With Nat. West. bank band

UNC 185.00
B323 MS19 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MS19 803690 - 95    

Run of 6 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 16.00
B323 MS35 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MS35 653966 - 68    

Run of 3 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 16.00
B323 MS39 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MS39 709180 - 81    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 16.00
B323 MS55 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MS55 864881 - 82    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 16.00
B323 MS~~ Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MS19 - MS65 UNC 16.00
B323 MS~~ Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MS14 & MS41 AUNC 12.00
B323 MS~~ Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MS52 & MS70 EF+ 9.00
B323 MS~~ Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MS10 596661 EF 6.00
B323 MS32 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MS32 013355    

'75' in blue biro - reverse left side 3 o'clock

EF+ 4.00


3rd run from -

MT01 to MT23 !

B323 MT01 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MT01 536699 AUNC 125.00
B323 MT01 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MT01 364876 EF+ 100.00
B323 MT~~ Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MT08 & MT19 UNC 25.00
B323 MT22 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MT22 905397    

Very close to the last number prefix MT23


Open to offers

B323 MT14 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MT14 802166 AUNC 20.00
B323 MT20 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MT20 711827 EF+ 16.00


4th run from -

MU01 to MU19 !

B323 MU01 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MU01 998505 UNC 65.00
B323 MU02 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MU02 859098 Offers UNC  
B323 MU03 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MU03 606057 Offers UNC  
B323 MU17 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MU17 054790 UNC 20.00
B323 MU12 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MU12 143270 EF+ 12.00
B323 MU09 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MU09 794722 EF 8.00


5th run from -

MW01 to MW19 !

B323 MW01 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MW01 586814 UNC 145.00
B323 MW02 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MW02 047568Offers EF+  
B323 MW09 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MW09 092086 - 89    

Run of 4 - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 16.00
B323 MW14 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MW14 488519 - 20    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 16.00
B323 MW15 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MW15 591460 - 61    

Pair - sold as single, pair or + (each)

UNC 16.00
B323 MW~~ Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MW09 & MW14 UNC 15.00
B323 MW~~ Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MW09 092081 AUNC 12.50
B323 MW~~ Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MW07 475759 EF+ 10.00
B323 MW18 Repl. 1976 1 Pound - MW18 133978 EF+ 10.00

Very close to the last number prefix MW19


which was the very last of the large 1 pound


notes - Before the small size.   Open to offers

 GB Banknotes    Page 1 Pound (Small)    Page  £5, £10 & £20