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Obverse 1 & 2



ST - Obverse 1

ST - Obverse 2

ST - Obverse 1 (Hair) ST -Obverse 2 (hair)

ST - Obverse 1 - In use from 1838 to 1861. This die was always unsatisfactory in

                          the way that it depicted Victoria hair below the hair-ribbons.

                          The hair always looked worn even on choice struck coins.

                          Note that the top of Victoria's ear is clear.                          

ST - Obverse 2 - This die has basically evolved over 3 years 1857, 1858 & 1859 !

                          Firstly, with the change in the legend of VICTORIA from using the

                          normal 'plain' C to a C with a top serif in 1857 (continued into 1858)

                          Secondly, with the change from G in G of D: G: & in REGINA with

                          a small cross-bar to a G with the long cross-bar in 1858.

                          None of the rest of the legend appears to have been altered in any

                          way. The alignment of the legend to the border teeth remain the same 

                          as does the border teeth count. As per Obverse 1E 

                          Thirdly, and the part that was noticed by Davies was the re-cutting

                          of the hair line below the hair-ribbons with sharp incuse lines. 

                          The small clump of hair, just to the left of her ear has increased in

                          size and the end tip of this clump  now covers the top of her ear.

* It is easy to determine Obverse 1 from Obverse 2 on well worn examples

  simply by the C & G in the legend. However, on well worn examples it is 

  impossible to determine Obverse 1E examples from Obverse 2 - when 

  Victoria's hair and ear are not clearly visible due to the C & G's in the

  legend alignment being the same for both dies !

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