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1926 - 2 Obverse dies


ST 1926 A - Obv. 3


ST 1927 B - Obv. 4



ST 1926 A - Obv. 3 - BRITT


ST 1926 A - Obv. 3 - B.M.


ST 1926 B - Obv. 4 - BRITT


ST 1926 B - Obv. 4 - BM


ST 1926 A - Obv. 3 - The (upright back bar of) B of BRITT points to a tooth in the border.

                                 George's head is large.  

                                 B.M. on neck  (Note gap to the back of truncation).

                                 The B.M. has stops after each letter.


ST 1926 B - Obv. 4 - The (upright back bar of ) B of BRITT points to a gap between 2 teeth.

                                 George's head is smaller.  

                                 BM on neck  (Smaller gap to the back of truncation). 

                                 The BM does not appear to have stops after each letter.

                                This obverse is generally referred to as the "Modified head" issue.

                                With the issue of this obverse type , from this point forward, all  

                                future obverses had well struck heads.

1926 - Reverse B 


ST 1926 A - Rev. B 


ST 1926 A  - Rev. B  - Top leaf stem is kinked


ST 1926 A - Rev. B - The Top leaf stem is slightly kinked as it emanates from the left

                                 stem of the acorn.

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