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1675 Maundy 3 - obv.

Struck with the 4d obv. die

Large head - virtually

no border teeth

1675 Maundy 3d. rev.

Date: 5 over O !

It is very clear that the

5 is the top date

1675 Maundy 3d. rev.

Date: 5 over 0 !

The O is perfectly circular and is

more consistent with it being a O

1675 Maundy 3d. This is an extremely rare coin with major errors on both sides of the coin.

                               Obv. A 4d die has been used resulting in a much larger head that the 3d die. 

                                       The legend is slightly larger than that used on the 3d die. The result being

                                       that the legend is only just on the coin flan with only a few border teeth 

                                       around the lower half of the coin.

                          Date: This is definitely of the date 1675 and the 5 is over a perfectly formed O !

                                     My first thought was that it was a 5 over 6 but thanks to an email from

                                     another Maundy specialist dealer suggesting that it matches the perfectly

                                     formed "O" is as the 1670 date ! I have re-examined my first thought and 

                                     concur that the 5 is over a "O" ! The "O" is too large to be that of the 

                                     bottom part a 6 and the top bar of the 5 is NOT the tail of a 6 !!

* There is an example of 6 over 5 (very different to the above) at this link   

There is a bit of 'metal reduction' on both sides. EF? - extremely rare - unlisted.

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