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1690 Maundy 4d - Obv.

G below bust

Large & small letters in legend

Stops after both D. G.


1690 Maundy 4d - Rev.

Small lettering

Date: 6 over 5


1690 Maundy 4d

Date: the 6 appears to be over a 5.


1690 Maundy 4d

Date: the 6 appears to be 

over a 5.

1690 Maundy 4d - Obv. 'G' below bust & stop after D. G. 

                                     A very unusual combinations of font sizes have been used.

                                     GVLIEL are medium size. M is small (as used for MARIA). ET is large !

                                     MA are small. R is medium. IA is again small. D. G. are medium.

Rev. Again a combination of font sizes are used.

       MAG. BR. FR. are medium. ET. HIB. REX. ET. REGINA are small.

Date:  .1690. Very high stop before date (after REGINA) & the 6 appears to be over a 5.

          This I consider is probably impossible and the more likely explanation is that it was a trial punch

          of a 6 administered with on the left side in contact with a SMALL 6 die !

          However it appears easier to list this as 6 over 5 !


This date variety is listed but with NO stop after G of D. G  


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