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ST 1852 A - date

ST 1852 B - Date: 5 over 5



ST 1852 A - date

ST 1852 Ab - 5 over 5 & 

2 over 2

ST 1852 B - 5 over 5 

ST 1852 A - Large date: The 5 has a curved top and a large 'ball' end.

                   The tail end of the 5 has a small 'ball' end.

ST 1852 Ab - Large date: The 5 is similar to ST 1852 A as it has a 

                    curved top and a large 'ball' end. The 5 tilts backwards

                    and there is possibly a trace of the 5 over 5, at the top bar.

                    The tail end of the 5 has a small 'ball' end.

                    The 2 is just above the base line and therefore the top is

                    slightly higher than the top bar of the 5. There appears to

                    be the trace of 2nd 2 under that 2. The base of the under 2

                    is on the baseline and shows as a 'line'. A tiny bit of the 

                    under curve of the top also shows a bit of the under 2.

ST 1852 B - Large date: The top bar of the 5 is slightly less curved than

                   ST 1852 A. i.e - straighter ! A less pronounced ball end.

                   The  5 is clearly over a lower 5.

                   The 2 is just above the base line and therefore the top is

                   slightly higher than the top bar of the 5.  

                   The 1 has also been double struck and tilts slightly left.                         

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