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1864 date sizes


ST 1864 A & X - Normal 64

ST 1864 B - Taller 4

ST 1864 A or X - The 4 is on the same base line as the 6 and has a flat top

                          The 4 is a fraction taller than the 6.

                       *  On this 4 and on several other examples of good quality, clear 4's a

                          thin line can be seen within the upper, inner centre bar on the left side.

                          It is unclear if this is possibly from a re-punch with a smaller 4 or ??

                          It is impossible on lower grade coins to see is this thin inner line is

                          also present !

ST 1864 B - The 4 is on the same base line as the 6 and has a slightly more round top.

                   The 4 is slightly taller and extends above the top of the 6.

                *  Out of 14 examples I have only seen one example of this slightly taller

                   more rounded top 4. Therefore this variety could be considered SCARCER !

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