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1873 Variation to nose & mouth.



ST 1873 A - Nose

Normal nose with nostril

ST 1873 A - Nose

Normal nose with nostril

ST 1873 A - Nose

Normal nose with nostril


ST 1873 B/C - Nose

Nose with nostril


ST1873 B - Nose

Nose with nostril


ST 1873 B - Mouth

Top lip as per normal -

slightly rounded



ST 1873 C - Nose

Nose with nostril


ST 1873 C - Nose

Nose with nostril


ST 1873 C - Mouth

Top lip extended -

slightly pointed

ST 1873 A - Obv. Victoria's nose is as per normal for obverse 3 with a nostril showing

ST 1873 B - Obv. The same nose as per ST 1873 B in that the nostril hole is missing* .

                   Victoria's top lip is as per normal for obverse 3 - slightly rounded.

ST 1873 C - Obv. Victoria's nose appears to have lost her nostril hole*. This gives her

                    nose a more hooked appearance. The top lip appears to extend outwards

                    and has a slightly pointed appearance**.

* The lost of the nostril hole is possibly due to the die having become worn in this area.

** The slightly extended top lip with the pointed end on ST 1873 B is far more difficult 

    to explain away and was probably not intended. It could possibly be a bit of grit on 

    the die that got trapped in that unfortunate place (just in front of Victoria's top lip) !

Having examined over 20 1873 silver 3d I have found three examples of ST1873 B and

only ONE examples of ST 1873 C. It therefore suggests that variation B is Scarce & 

variation C is RARE.

Question: Is it an optical illusion that Victoria's nose without her nostril (ST 1873 B)

is slightly larger than her nose of ST 1873 A !?  Also is her mouth slightly more open

and the top lip pushed out slightly further !?

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