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1841 Reverses

GR 1841 A - Rev. A   GR 1841 A - Rev. A

GR 1841 B - Rev. B  

GR 1841 B - Rev. B

1841 - No examples of the 'broken' or open C have been found for this date

           However, Reverse B has been left available if an example is found.

1841 Date varieties

All of the 1841 groats have the 18 of the date in a fixed position. 

The position of the 41 can varies as can the font.


GR 1841 A - Date

GR 1841 Aa - Date


GR 1841 B - Triangle tail 4

GR 1841 C - Date (Roman I)

Groat 1841 - Date: Type a - The top of the 4 is pointed. The 4 has a T bar tail.

                                 The last 1 is over a border tooth

                                This variety has been seen with the numerals double struck and NOT double struck.

Groat 1841 - Date: Type b - The top of the 4 is pointed. The 4 has a T bar tail.

                                 The last 1 is over a gap between two border teeth

                                 This variety has been seen with the numerals double struck and NOT double struck.

Groat 1841 - Date: Type c - The top of the 4 is pointed. The 4 has a triangular tail.

                                  The 4 slopes forward and is above a border tooth.

                         * So far, I have found only 1 example with the type of 4 font. Very unusual as all

                       Most 1840 groats have the T- bar tail as do 99% of 1841's, 1842's, 1843's, 1844's

                       Only in 1845 does the 4 have triangular - slant up tail.

                       Therefore this tail type must be Very Rare as I have only ever seen the one example !

Groat 1841 - Date: Type d - The top of the 4 is pointed. The 4 has a T bar tail.

                                  The "1" in date date over inverted "1" in fact looks like a Roman I   Very rare ?

                                  * I have found only 2 examples of this extremely rare date variety.

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