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1918 New reverse variety



ST 1911 A - Rev. A


ST 1911 A - Rev. A - Top leaf stem is straight



ST 1912 A - Rev. B *


ST 1912 A  - Rev. B * - Top leaf stem is kinked




ST 1918 A - Rev. C


ST 1918 A  - Rev. C - Top leaf stem is straighter


ST 1911 A - Rev. A - The Top leaf stem follows straight up.

ST 1912 A - Rev. B - The Top leaf stem is slightly kinked as it emanates from the left

                                 stem of the acorn.

ST 1918 A - Rev. C - The Top leaf stem is straight. Very similar to Rev. A except that 

                                 the top left acorn stem comes off the leaf stem above the right

                                 acorn stem and the acorn stem is much shorter. 

                                 Whereas on Rev. A the two acorn stems emanate at the same 

                                 point on the leaf stem and left acorn stem is longer than that on 

                                 Rev. C.

* These very minor tweaks to the reverse die are not that noteworthy but they

  are differences and do constitute new dies and require recording.

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