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Now here is an interesting coin from India !

An 1938 1 Anna and the 8 of the date is an S or an unfinished 8 ?!

The question is :- Is this normal for this coin for 1938 or it is not ?

I don't have another 1938 to compare it with so if possible I would like collectors to see if they have a 1 Anna of India for 1938 and to let me know if the 8 is finished or not on their coin.


Update: 26 March 2008. I have had one client examine his 1938 1 Anna and the 8 is of the same 'S' style it therefore is possible that all the 1938's have an unfinished style 8 !


We sold our example at the end of July 2009 so this page has been kept for information purposes and if anyone else can confirm sightings and the shape of the 8 on their coin.


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